Now Enrolling
Research Study Participants!
We are looking for Black, Indigenous, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Latina and/or Hispanic mothers with high blood pressure and/or experiencing feelings of depression or anxiety to receive care visits in their home.
You may be eligible to participate in a study and receive postpartum doula visits at no cost to you and receive up to $100 in Visa gift cards for participation!
Want to find out if you are eligible? Please complete the form below!

Our Research
“Postpartum Doula Care Reduces BIPOC Mothers’
Hypertension, Depression, and Anxiety”
IRB Approved Research Study #46213
The Abundance Project is proud to be one of nine nationwide non-profit organizations chosen to participate in the final phase of the Implementing a Maternal health and PRegnancy Outcomes Vision for Everyone (IMPROVE) Initiative - a $3 million prize competition from The National Institutes of Health’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) to incentivize non-profit organizations to develop the capabilities, infrastructure, and experience to conduct research projects that seek to improve maternal health outcomes in their communities.
In partnership with Sanctuary Doulas + Family Care, our sister doula service provider organization, we are collaborating on this research study project.
High blood pressure, anxiety, and depression are all too common contributing factors to maternal health problems (morbidity) and deaths due to pregnancy or childbirth (mortality) in the United States. We are seeking to explore the impact that postpartum doula support in a mother’s home environment has on these factors in hopes that we can improve health disparities (differences in level or treatment), especially amongst BIPOC mothers.
The purpose of this research study is to test the efficacy of postpartum doula care in reducing BIPOC mothers’ blood pressures and examine the impact on any present symptoms of depression and/or anxiety. We are also looking at the effectiveness and acceptability of postpartum doula support as an intervention to support overall health outcomes. The study plans to include about 70-80 participants.